Juanita Care
Exhibition June 1 - 29, 2024
Open Thursdays to Saturdays 14h - 18h & by rdv: info@goswellroad.com
I believe that jewellery and accessories are not ornaments, but tools for changing the codes linked to the alienation of bodies in society.
Juanita Care’s foundation began with the manufacture of dental jewellery (Grillz). Thus, its point of entry into the body is the mouth. A place of tenderness, anger, sacred hygiene, and disease. This is where language is formed, where locution becomes expression. Like all our orifices, the mouth is a gateway to the body’s interior. Unlike the others, it is visible and public, for all to see, at all times. And yet, it is a place of vulnerability – is it any wonder that some cultures regard the mouth as the ideal access to our soul for demons?
More incisively, the mouth shelters the teeth, so particular, so different from the rest of our body. Teeth are the hardest material our body makes. They enable us to eat and to bite. They reflect our health and our social class. Teeth are unique and recognizable, and allow us to identify the dead.
Teeth are already a work of art.
Bio: Juanita Care is a Franco-Peruvian, Mexico-based project, founded by artist Adrien Flores in France in 2017. Standing at the intersection between fear and desire, revolt and seduction, it creates poetic works reflecting on the evolution of bodies.